Independent external auditors have found that Thurrock Council's financial reporting and value for money plans are in good health and do not require any moderation.

This is the sixth consecutive annual external audit to come to the same conclusion. Two separate independent external auditors performed the audit over the last three occasions, and both reached the same conclusion.

The report, which auditors from accountancy firm BDO presented to members of the Standards and Audit Committee at their meeting on Tuesday 24 November, says: the council's financial reporting is a true reflection of its current position the council has good arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of its resources in the future.

Shane Hebb, Cabinet member for finance, said: "We can be reassured from the fact that this entirely independent organisation has thoroughly inspected our accounts again this year; the ways in which we report them and the plans we have in place and they recognise that we are on course with dealing with the realities of a post-COVID financial future.

"What is also reassuring, is that the council's financial approach has been given the best form of opinion again, for the sixth year running."