Village Hall

The members of the Discovery Club met in November 27 when demonstrator Bob Deacon showed some of the many ways to make food dips.

At the end of the demonstration members were able to taste the finished products.

The Christmas bingo will be on December 19 while the village hall club children’s party is on December 20.

The village hall club held its Christmas dinner/dance on Saturday, when 80 members and friends sat down to a Christmas dinner.

The Wanderers played for the dancing that followed, and a Christmas raffle was held.

The next event will be a party dance on New Year’s Eve.

Women’s Institute

A few members of the Women’s Institute travelled to Marconi, in Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, on Friday for the county WI Christmas concert.


The monthly family service was held on Sunday, led by Father James Ridge.

The church carol singers will be touring the village today.