Development at Notley’s golf course: Councillor Wood had spoken to Tessa Lambert, from Braintree Council, and had obtained an update on the situation.

No time limit has been laid down for completion of the development. Complaints have been received regarding a large amount of mud on the road and the enforcement officer, was looking into this.

Scouts and Guides: It was agreed the clerk would contact Gavin Wood and obtain further information and a breakdown of the quotes for the next meeting.

Notley youth football team: It was agreed to give the team £493 for a new strip as requested.

Parish plan group: It was agreed to give the group £500.

Accounts: A letter had been received from the external auditor signing off the year-end accounts. Playing field: A bench on the playing field was agreed in principle.

Play equipment: A quotation for several pieces of new equipment was discussed.

It was agreed to precept £7,000 and perhaps obtain a grant for further funding, so no decision was made on a particular piece.

Next meeting: December 16.