Audrey Miller reports Public forum: Alan and Doreen Hart reported trouble with airport parking outside their house in The Endway, sometimes for as long as three weeks.

Although they had spoken to one driver, the car was not removed and the owner continued to phone for a private taxi to take them to the airport.

Mr and Mrs Hart notified police with the car registration number, but nothing was done.

A discussion took place about airport parking, which is a growing concern.

The clerk is to call Trevor Allen, of Takeley Parish Council, and ask his advice as it had gone through a lengthy procedure to get this nuisance stopped.

The litter bin at Cox Hill is leaning into the bus shelter and the refuse is falling out. The clerk is to contact environmental services about it.

Mr and Mrs Hart also mentioned the grass on Great Easton playing field was too long on the football pitch.

The chairman said grass cutting was contracted to be cut once a month, weather permitting.

Village hall: The clerk reported the central heating system had been completed and the gas meter needed to be earthed.

Everyone will benefit from the more comfortable heating in the village hall, but this will come at a cost.

As the hiring charges had remained the same since January 2004, it was agreed to discuss these at the next meeting.

The caretaker reported there was a wasp nest in the village hall loft and the clerk was to obtain quotes for dealing with it.

Matters arising: The clerk had still not received a confirmation or cheque from Dunmow Football Club using Laundry Lane. A further letter had been sent.

Highways had confirmed that Church Lane, Tilty, had been marked down for major resurfacing and in the meantime the potholes would be filled in.

Neighbourhood Watch: Karen Scott reported that Peter Caulfield, crime reduction officer, had met several residents and it had been agreed to begin a neighbourhood watch scheme.

Packs and newsletters will be distributed to all households.

Mrs Scott asked the parish council to cover the cost of the Neighbourhood Watch signs, as about 12 will be needed, which will cost £20 each plus VAT. There will be no cost for their installation. This was agreed.

Parks and paths: Tania Archer reported footpath 24 by the ford had been made safe.

Airport: The G2 inquiry begins on April 15. Duncan Willoughby agreed to present the parish council’s views.

Clerk’s correspondence: The clerk had received a schedule of all highways work carried out together with a questionnaire to be completed and returned.

Members were satisfied with the work done, but were not happy that several May Gurney road signs now littered the village.

The clerk is to ask for the signs to be removed.

Grant: An e-mail from the west Essex forum stated the parish council had been awarded £7,000 towards central heating.

Any other business: Bert Pickford would like to see the grass bank where the telephone company puts a new cover restored to its former beauty.

Terry Francis reported Abbey View residents had complained about cars blocking the road on a Sunday morning when the football teams use Burns Playing Field, and asked if the clerk would ask the football teams to take their litter home with them.

The clerk is to organise the removal of old ceiling heaters from the village hall.

Next meeting: October 30.