Temporary sports pitch: A complaint about the distance of the pitch from the nearest house had been sent to Uttlesford Council.

Vacancies: One of the two candidates had withdrawn his application, so one vacancy remains on the council.

Denis Westbrook gave a brief outline of why he wished to be nominated as a parish councillor. Jeffrey Thomas proposed he be co-opted and this was agreed.

Public forum: The majority of the 50 residents present attended to voice their opinions on the proposed temporary experimental parking restrictions at Oakwood Park.

The chairman explained the background to the proposals, which originated from the intention to run a bus route through the estate as a result of the section 106 planning agreement.

Residents were against the bus route going through the estate.

It was agreed a survey should be carried out. Depending on the results, a letter asking for the rescission of the legal agreement could be sent to Uttlesford Council.

Other matters raised included parking restrictions outside the school, play area management and maintenance.

Crime: PC Saunders and Sgt James Gilchrist gave a brief report on crimes in the area.

Oakwood Park parking restrictions: A decision will not be made regarding the proposed temporary experimental parking restrictions until Essex County Council has consulted residents and the parish council.

It was suggested a working party could be formed to carry out site meetings and gain information prior to decisions being made by the full council.

Youth shelter: The youth shelter and surrounding area is regularly cleaned up by parish councillors.

Rodney Dodkins proposed that no more money is spent on the shelter while in its current position and it should not be moved until the new site is ready.

Five councillors were in favour and three against, with two abstentions.

Outreach programme: Julie Shepherd reported that due to lack of numbers, the outreach programme had finished and the youth bus no longer visited Oakwood Park as the few children that were attending were not engaging with youth workers.

Grass cutting: Ten cuts had already been made, but more would be needed before the end of the season. It was agreed to allow four extra cuts.

Information exchange: Parking on the grass verges remained a problem. The footpath and bridleway near the A120 needed clearing of weeds.

Next meeting: October 13, at the British Legion Hall, Felsted, at 7.15pm.