THE president of a 75-year-old vital Witham organisation says it could close if it doesn’t get new members.

The Rotary Club of Witham, which was first formed on January 12, 1949 and has received its 75th charter in April this year, may have to close, club president Keith Harman has confirmed.

Over the years, the organisation has been a driving force in volunteer-led charity fundraising.

It has put on quiz nights, the annual duck race on the River Brain, helped collect money for charities, and most notably the festive Santa Visits Witham event, plus much more.

Braintree and Witham Times: Important - The Rotary Club of Witham's festive activitiesImportant - The Rotary Club of Witham's festive activities (Image: The Rotary Club of Witham)

It may have to close at the end of the year if it doesn’t get new members.

Witham Rotary club member, Robert J S Long MBE, explained the situation.

He said: “The present situation is the age of the majority of members and the lack of, badly needed, new members.

“If this sad closure is to be avoided, the Witham Rotary Club desperately needs new members young and mature, to join and become involved.”

Braintree and Witham Times: Caring for the community - an image of The Rotary Club of Witham President Keith Harman on the rightCaring for the community - an image of The Rotary Club of Witham President Keith Harman on the right (Image: The Rotary Club of Witham)

Last week, the Witham Rotary lunch was held on Tuesday it was voted seven members to four for returning the club’s charter by December 2024 and closing the club.

However, another meeting will be held before a decision is made.

Witham Rotary Club president Keith Harman wants the club to continue but it needs members who are available to put in the work.

He said: “Yes, all the members have dedicated their rotary lives in the past, but we now have an average age over 80.

“We put service before self, we are volunteers, the club needs to have people who will be active doing the roles a Rotarian."

The club has 17 paying members and alternatives are being looked at.

Mr Harman has emphasised the club is open to anyone over the age of 18, all are welcome.

In an effort to gain new, younger members, Mr Harman said the club’s work is relatable to topics that young people care for such as the environment, reducing plastic, and raising awareness about worthy organisations.

He said: “Fellowship is the main reason for joining rotary, there are people you can talk to and become friends with.

“Our only problem is trying to be active outside of the fellowship, people that have spare time.

“There are a lot of people out there who want to help but don’t know how to do it, and that is where we come in, we can provide that.”

Anyone who would like to join The Rotary Club of Witham or donate to it should contact