A SUPER slimmer has lost almost six stone after a visit to the doctor gave him the “wake up call” he needed.

Peter McBride, 52, from Hatfield Peverel, previously weighed 20 stone 11lb.

He now weighs 14 stone 13lb, after joining the Hatfield Peverel Slimming World club.

Peter had visited his GP in 2023 and was suffering from symptoms like feeling out of breath while walking, falling asleep on the sofa after activity and struggling to get up.

He also described feeling very unwell and hot all the time.

Braintree and Witham Times: Before - an image of Peter McBride before his weight loss journeyBefore - an image of Peter McBride before his weight loss journey (Image: Slimming World)

It was confirmed by a doctor appointment in September 2023 he had pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

It was the “wake up call” he needed to change his life.

He joined the club on October 2 last year after pondering how he could change and improve himself.

Peter did find joining the group “nerve-wracking” but he took solace in the fact he wasn’t the only man there.

Peter said: “The SW program and lifestyle is amazing, for me it has truly been life-changing.

Braintree and Witham Times: The man - Peter McBrideThe man - Peter McBride (Image: Slimming World)

!I’ve always tried to be positive and upbeat, and the Slimming World food optimising plan and lifestyle encourages that.

!I love food, fish, vegetables and SW allows me to enjoy favourites like a roast dinner or a curry and still lose weight.

“In group each week I have learned to reignite my love of cooking and overpower the lure of ‘convenience food’ which is usually high fat, high impact, and unfulfilling food.

“I have embraced moving more and feel more energetic and enthusiastic especially after a round of golf.”

Braintree and Witham Times: Amazing - Peter McBride after his weight lossAmazing - Peter McBride after his weight loss (Image: Slimming World)

Since the dramatic weight loss, Peter had a follow-up visit to the GP and has reversed his pre-diabetes, his cholesterol has reduced by 40 per cent, and his blood pressure and BMI are both down too.

He has also been voted as Slimming World’s man of the year as well.

Braintree and Witham Times: Good work - Nicola Emberson and Peter McBride with the man of the year awardGood work - Nicola Emberson and Peter McBride with the man of the year award (Image: Slimming World)

Nicola Emberson, the consultant at Hatfield Peverel Slimming World said: “We know many men assume slimming clubs won’t be right for them.

“But Peter shows that once they come through the doors they do so well.

“Like Peter I would advise anyone who would like to lose weight to find the courage to take that first step.”