AN inspirational young boy from Witham has raised more than £1,000 in memory of his grandad by cycling 33 miles across three lifeboat stations.

On May 27, Joshua Angier cycled from Cromer RNLI to Wells RNLI, stopping at Sheringham RNLI along the route.

Accompanied by his dad, Simon, the duo spent four hours on the road participating in the RNLI Mayday Mile challenge.

Joshua's efforts were in homage to his grandad, who sadly died last month, and who used to take him to the lifeboat stations where his name is now proudly displayed on the decals of the Wells RNLI's lifeboat Duke of Edinburgh.

His fundraising, which also includes Gift Aid, has raised more than £1,300 for the RNLI.

Braintree and Witham Times: Joshua and Simon Angier at Wells RNLIJoshua and Simon Angier at Wells RNLI (Image: Simon Angier)

With goals to become a potential lifesaver, Joshua is currently a trainee at his local pool.

His inspiration comes from witnessing the work of beach lifeguards and his visits to the RNLI stations with his family.

On his efforts, dad Simon said: "Hopefully the lifesavers course will enable Joshua to help others in the future.

"It was a privilege to wear our RNLI Mayday Mile Challenge t-shirts on the ride, whilst raising much-needed funds for the RNLI."