THREE men have been jailed for more than 22 years collectively for drug offences.

Christoffel Van Rossum, 48, of Crittall Court, Witham, Daniel London, 33, of Egyptian Goose Road, Norwich and Matthew Carley, 54 and of Breck Road, Norwich all appeared in court to be sentenced for conspiracy to supply a class A drug, namely cocaine.

It relates to a series of incidents between 2019 and 2020 where the group worked together to supply and distribute multiple kilogrammes of cocaine in Norfolk.

In June 2019, police stopped a vehicle in King’s Lynn, where 1kg of cocaine was found and all occupants were arrested.

A mobile phone was also seized which contained an exchange of messages from London discussing the supply of cocaine.

In March 2020, London and Van Rossum met in Horsford to exchange 2kg of cocaine, where London gave Van Rossum £56,885 cash.

Following their meeting, London fled from police, but Van Rossum was arrested in possession of the cash.

Two mobile phones were seized from him, and he was later charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine and possession of criminal property, namely the £56,885 in cash.

Braintree and Witham Times: Christoffel Van Rossum was jailed for eight yearsChristoffel Van Rossum was jailed for eight years (Image: Norfolk Police)

Messages dated from December 4, 2019, reveal a connection between London and Carley.

In April 2020, Carley attended London’s home address to discuss the debt owed following Van Rossum’s arrest.

In December, officers conducted a search warrant at Carley’s home address, and he was arrested.

A large number of mobile phones and an estimated £24,000 in cash were seized as well suspected counterfeit clothing.

On the same day, a search warrant was conducted at an address linked to London where he was also arrested.

Both men were then charged with conspiracy to supply cocaine.

After appearing in Norwich Crown Court on Thursday, all three were jailed.

Van Rossum was sentenced to eight years imprisonment, London six years and nine months, and Carley seven years and six months.

Ds Eddie Hammond from the Norfolk and Suffolk Serious and Organised Crime Unit said: “We will not tolerate drug-related crime in Norfolk.

“All three individuals were responsible and had key roles which enabled the supply of commercial quantities of cocaine to be distributed across Norfolk.

“Their sentences reflect the hugely detrimental impact this type of offending has on our communities.  

“We will continue to work to disrupt those who continue to try and establish drug lines in our county.”