A MAN has been jailed after "a number of keys" were stolen from a car garage.

Essex Police received an alert from an alarm at Kelvedon Car and Service Centre in Station Road shortly after 1.25am on Tuesday.

Officers arrived at the scene swiftly within six minutes and established "a number of car keys" had been taken.

They say a man was detained within 15 minutes of the call coming in.

Daniel Steward, 22, of no fixed address was subsequently charged with burglary and going equipped for burglary.

He appeared at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on the same day where he was jailed for six months and told to pay the garage £500 compensation.

Sergeant Thomas Baskeyfield said: “I am pleased swift justice has been delivered as a result of the swift actions of our officers.

“We take burglary very seriously as this case shows.

“Due to the actions of our team, not only was an arrest made within 15 minutes of the call coming in, the person responsible was convicted and sentenced on the same day.”