A BRAVE little boy saved his mum's life by dialling 999 when he unable to talk or breathe due to a nasty asthma attack. 

Rhiannon Clark, Dimitri's mum has brittle asthma and suffers from a lot of attacks. 

Dimitri and Rhiannon were at home last month when she began having a bad attack. 

The six-year-old sprung in to action when his mum was unable to talk and dialled 999. 

Braintree and Witham Times: Hero - Dimitri, 6, Michelle Behn, EEAST Colchester general managerHero - Dimitri, 6, Michelle Behn, EEAST Colchester general manager (Image: East of England Ambulance Service)

Rhiannon said: “I have a lot of attacks, but this was the first time that I had one when my husband was not there.  

“I lost the ability to speak, but Dimitri made the call for me. 

"When asked what service he needed, he asked for an ambulance, and said; ‘my mum’s not breathing, you need to come right away’.  

“He was able to give the address and the What Three Words location. 

"He gave the call handler information about whether I had asthma and used an inhaler.”  

The East of England Ambulance crew arrived in under five minutes and Dimitri took care of his brother Viktor while the crew looked after his mum.  

Fortunately, after being given a specially-dosed nebuliser, Rhiannon was safe to be left at home, as her husband was returning.  

Rhiannon continued: “I’m very proud of Dimitri as he has a speech impediment and doesn’t really know how to talk to people on the phone yet, so it was quite a challenge for him to talk to strangers and give them information.” 

Braintree and Witham Times: Presentation - Tom Abell, EEAST Chief executive, Dimitri Clark, Michelle Behn, Colchester general manager, Presentation - Tom Abell, EEAST Chief executive, Dimitri Clark, Michelle Behn, Colchester general manager, (Image: East of England Ambulance Service)

Dimitri's bravery has been recognised with a certificate presented by Tom Abell, Chief Executive of the East of England Ambulance Service.

Tom said: "I am always amazed how children as young as Dimitri can act so calmly and do what is necessary to get help when there’s an emergency.

"It would have been a frightening experience for anyone, but for someone unused to talking on the phone that must have been even more difficult.   

“Dimitri showed real courage and gave us the information we needed to get help to his mum.”

“It was a pleasure to meet Dimitri and his family to present such a well-deserved award."