A CHARMING bunny duo which "truly defines togetherness" is on the hunt for their new home after waiting for more than a year.

Lop cross Whisky, six, and Dutch cross partner Persephone, four, are waiting at the Danaher Animal Home in Wethersfield.

A spokesman said: "Meet the charming duo, Whisky and his delightful partner Persephone, a pair which truly defines togetherness.

"They're on the hunt for a place to call home and have now been patiently waiting more than a year to bring joy and companionship to their new family.

"Their spirits remain high, and they're excited about the next chapter in their lives."

The spokesman continued: "When Whisky and Persephone first arrived, they were a bit shy around new people.

"They have come on leaps and bounds since being in our care and it's been heart-warming to see them flourish and gain confidence.

"With each day, they surprise us with their newfound sense of ease and affection towards the people they meet.

"Though they might need a touch of time to get used to a new environment, we're absolutely certain that with the nurturing and love of their adoptive family, they'll quickly blossom into cherished four-legged friends."

For more information, visit danaheranimalhome.org.uk.