BRAINTREE Council will be pushing ahead with its plan to charge residents for garden waste collection after two call-ins were dismissed.

Last week, the corporate scrutiny committee considered the two ‘call ins’ regarding the cabinet’s decision to introduce the new opt-in chargeable garden waste service.

After “careful consideration” of the issues, the committee voted against referring the matter back to cabinet.

Braintree Council said the committee was “satisfied it had taken into account all key considerations in taking their decision on July 10”.

Braintree and Witham Times: Braintree Council will be charging for its green waste collections as of next yearBraintree Council will be charging for its green waste collections as of next year (Image: Braintree Council)

The call-ins were called by the council’s Labour and Independent and Green groups.

The I and G Group said it “presented evidence on several grounds as to why we believe the decision is flawed”.

These included “lack of consultation”, “impacts on vulnerable members of the community”, “extra costs to residents during cost-of-living pressures” and “the expected collapse in recycling rates and overall detriment to environment and climate targets”.

James Abbott, deputy leader of the I and G group, said: “The Independent and Green Group, as the main opposition on the council, will be monitoring the roll-out of the charging system very closely and we will continue to seek opportunities to challenge it.

“The current system is not 'free' as claimed by Conservative councillors.

“It is paid for via council tax and is part of a mature system of kerbside recycling that residents have been used to for many years.

“The decision to charge extra for garden waste collections will be a shock to that system.”

Braintree and Witham Times: Mr Abbott said the I and G group will continue to seek opportunities to challenge the garden waste collection chargeMr Abbott said the I and G group will continue to seek opportunities to challenge the garden waste collection charge (Image: N/A)

Braintree Council’s transformation, environment and customer services boss Tom Cunningham said: “Every council in the country is having to make tough decisions about what services it can and cannot afford to provide.

“There are over 300 councils nationwide, including eight across Essex, that have already moved to an opt-in subscription model for garden waste.

“The collection of garden waste is a discretionary service for which local authorities can make a charge. 

“With the council’s budget under significant pressure, the cost to deliver the current service at £683,000 is no longer affordable or sustainable.

“We are keen to maintain a garden waste collection service to those residents who wish to receive it, however the only way this can be achieved is to recover the cost of doing so.”

Residents can now register their ‘expression of interest’ to join the new opt-in subscription service.

Visit for more information.