INSPIRATIONAL learners from Witham were recognised as an adult education provider held an annual awards ceremony.

Adult education provider ACL Essex celebrated Witham-based learners at its ceremony on July 12, with awards ranging from 'personal growth' to 'breaking barriers'.

The ceremony took place at the Central Baptist Church in Chelmsford, with more than 100 people in attendance.

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The annual awards ceremony shines a light on those who have made outstanding achievements during their time at ACL Essex.

Almost 40 awards were handed to learners, staff and apprentices, including Julia Tarling from Witham.

Julia won the Outstanding Achievement award, recognising those who have made extraordinary progress throughout their learning journey.

Julia’s nominee said: "She has worked relentlessly hard for these three years and shown great resilience."

Alan Kowalski, also from Witham, won the Extra Mile Award.

His nominee said: "Alan passed all of his exams the first time. He seems so much happier in himself and his life overall since he completed his qualification and started his new job.

"I am so proud of him and the change in his mindset to achieve what he has!"

ACL Essex principal Lisa Jarentowski was thrilled to celebrate with outstanding learners at the ceremony.

She said: "It’s a pleasure to welcome learners from across Essex to celebrate their outstanding achievements.

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"Our staff and learners work so hard to reach their goals and I’m so glad we get the opportunity to recognise them for that. We’re so proud to award the exceptional people who come through our doors."

Essex County Council education and lifelong learning boss Tony Ball said: "It is always a highlight of my year attending the ACL Awards and speaking to learners and staff who have achieved great things, not just for themselves, but for others around them.

"It is through these selfless acts of kindness that encourage individuals to truly reach their potential, be that for their career, wellbeing, family or general happiness, and live their best lives."

For more information about courses at ACL Essex, visit