BRAINTREE Council has announced details of its £1million cost-of-living fund which will support residents struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

The funding, obtained via the £1million New Homes Bonus, will be spent over a two-year period and will focus on three objectives - to provide food security and access to essential goods across the district, to help the most vulnerable by supporting community groups and organisations to do more, and enable physical and emotional health and wellbeing for anyone struggling to afford vital access to leisure activities and sports clubs.

As part of the above £1million investment, the council has provided Braintree Area Foodbank with £98,951 to develop its offer to residents and ensure those who need access to food and essentials the most receive support.

To support voluntary and community organisations, the possibility of a grant scheme for the group sector is being considered, where they can apply for funding for work that will mitigate the impact of the cost of living.

The council also continues to work with partners including the Active Braintree Foundation, Fusion Lifestyle and Braintree District Museum Trust to enable physical and emotional health and wellbeing support for residents.

Council leader Graham Butland said: “We are very aware of the struggles many of our residents are having with the rising cost of living.

“This £1million pound investment will hopefully go some way to helping ease the pressure and ensure funding is delivered to the excellent community groups and organisations in our district to allow them to continue to support those in need in the Braintree district.”