RESIDENTS across Braintree and Witham joined the rest of the country in celebrating the coronation at the weekend.

In and around Braintree, there were street parties, decorations and events to mark the big occasion.

Braintree and Witham Times: ROYAL CHEERS: The people of Rayne sharing a toast to King Charles at All Saints ChurchROYAL CHEERS: The people of Rayne sharing a toast to King Charles at All Saints Church (Image: Kay Fraser)

Special trees were also on the agenda, with Braintree Garden Centre donating an oak tree to the Edith Borthwick School as part of its 'CelebraTree' community campaign.

The school received the royal oak tree from the garden centre, which is to be planted and celebrated by the community as they watch it grow over the years.

Braintree and Witham Times: SPECIAL DONATION: Braintree Garden Centre has donated an oak tree to the Edith Borthwick School as part of its CelebraTree community campaignSPECIAL DONATION: Braintree Garden Centre has donated an oak tree to the Edith Borthwick School as part of its CelebraTree community campaign (Image: N/A)

An oak tree was also planted by Braintree Council chairman Andrew Hensman in Weavers Park.

Braintree and Witham Times: TREE-MENDOUS: Braintree Council chairman Andrew Hensman planted an oak tree in Weavers Park, BraintreeTREE-MENDOUS: Braintree Council chairman Andrew Hensman planted an oak tree in Weavers Park, Braintree (Image: N/A)

In Witham, there was a huge coronation lunch on Friday held by the Witham Town Lunch Club for older members of the community.

Lunch included a selection of sandwiches and scones from Laurynfrancis Bakes.

Braintree and Witham Times: DRESS UP: Residents loved the lunch event in WithamDRESS UP: Residents loved the lunch event in Witham (Image: GTS Photography)

A spokesman said: “Councillor Ross Playle found a picture of an afternoon tea being held in Witham for the late Queen's coronation and thought it would be nice to recreate it for the King’s Coronation.

“We had more than 170 attendees and the event was very successful in bringing the older community together.

“The sandwiches and cake were amazing and the whole atmosphere was wonderful.

“We will look into the possibility of holding more large lunch events in the future.”

Elsewhere in the town, Chipping Hill Preschool children also enjoyed the celebrations.

Braintree and Witham Times: ALL SMILES: Pupils at Chipping Hill PreschoolALL SMILES: Pupils at Chipping Hill Preschool (Image: N/A)

Another school which enjoyed the event was St Margaret’s Preparatory School in Gosfield.

Braintree and Witham Times: BALLOON PARTY: St Margaret's School in Gosfield enjoying their celebrationsBALLOON PARTY: St Margaret's School in Gosfield enjoying their celebrations (Image: N/A)

Braintree and Witham Times: TAKE A SEAT: A special assembly was held at the start of the day at St Margaret'sTAKE A SEAT: A special assembly was held at the start of the day at St Margaret's (Image: N/A)

Pupils enjoyed a jam-packed day of royal celebrations including a special assembly and disco amongst others.


Braintree and Witham Times: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD: Sandwiches and scones were on the menuFOOD GLORIOUS FOOD: Sandwiches and scones were on the menu (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: COUNCIL PAIR: Angela Kilmartin and Andrew HensmanCOUNCIL PAIR: Angela Kilmartin and Andrew Hensman (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: ANY MORE?: Drinks and refreshments are offered outANY MORE?: Drinks and refreshments are offered out (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: PACKED OUT: The event had more than 170 attendeesPACKED OUT: The event had more than 170 attendees (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: LUNCH CLUB: Guests loved the eventLUNCH CLUB: Guests loved the event (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: HAPPY DAYS: Waving the flag in support of the KingHAPPY DAYS: Waving the flag in support of the King (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: BUSY DAY: The Witham Lunch club is hoping to hold more larger events in the futureBUSY DAY: The Witham Lunch club is hoping to hold more larger events in the future (Image: GTS Photography)

Braintree and Witham Times: CORONATION GROUP: Plenty were gathered to enjoy the dayCORONATION GROUP: Plenty were gathered to enjoy the day (Image: GTS Photography)