EVERYONE’S favourite comic book characters were brought to life as part of a special charity event to celebrate the town’s independent businesses.

The event, hosted by Braintree’s Blast Comics, saw cosplayers portraying popular characters come and visit the town centre.

Money was also raised on the day for charity Autism Anglia.

Braintree and Witham Times: STRIKE A POSE: Characters and residents pose for a picture outside Bubble and SweersSTRIKE A POSE: Characters and residents pose for a picture outside Bubble and Sweers (Image: Anji Old)

The comic store has held previous events with similar success, with this one no different.

Braintree and Witham Times: THIS IS THE WAY: A Mandalorian pictured in Braintree during the dayTHIS IS THE WAY: A Mandalorian pictured in Braintree during the day (Image: Anji Old)

Business manager Leanne Chinnery from Blast Comics said: “It was really good once again.

“The was weather a bit poor in the morning which can’t be helped but it was sunny in the afternoon so people came out, met the characters and got some pictures.

Braintree and Witham Times: SUPERHERO DUO: A resident poses with Batman and HawkeyeSUPERHERO DUO: A resident poses with Batman and Hawkeye (Image: Anji Old)

“These events are great because not only does it bring people to this side of town which we are always trying to promote but it puts smiles on people’s faces.

“We also try and put the message across that its ok to be different, dress up if you like, we are a safe and welcoming environment and people really felt that.

“It’s so rewarding and to raise money for a charity alongside it is something I couldn’t dream of doing.”

Braintree and Witham Times: HOP TIL YOU DROP: The Easter Bunny also paid a visit on the dayHOP TIL YOU DROP: The Easter Bunny also paid a visit on the day (Image: Anji Old)

Many independent businesses from the fountain end of the High Street took part, including Shake Express, Bubble and Sweets, the Angel Shop, Natural Way and more.

Characters roamed the streets meeting residents and surprising the business owners.

In total, £246 was raised for Autism Anglia.

Braintree and Witham Times: AIM AND FIRE: Hawkeye with his bow and arrowAIM AND FIRE: Hawkeye with his bow and arrow (Image: Anji Old)

Leanne said: “It is always good to keep raising the money for the charity.

“The cosplayers are part of a group called Synergy who have always supported Autism Anglia.

“The two people who run Synergy their son is autistic so it’s a charity close to them.

Braintree and Witham Times: FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: The day also works to promote independent businesses in the fountain end of Braintree High StreetFAVOURITE CHARACTERS: The day also works to promote independent businesses in the fountain end of Braintree High Street (Image: Anji Old)

“We also have a lot of that background come into the shop so we want to keep raising money for that charity.

“So many people say they really appreciate it, and it’s a charity not many know so we can raise awareness of it too.”

Blast is running two more cosplay events this year, in August and December.