VILLAGERS are celebrating after being awarded more than £50,000 to revamp a recreation ground.

Little Yeldham, Tilbury Juxta Clare and Ovington Parish Council is being given £58,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund.

The council will use the funding to refurbish the Little Yeldham village recreation ground where there are currently just two pieces of play equipment.

The Lottery cash and funding from the Bruce Wake Trust, East of England Co-op and donations from supporters and village fundraising will go towards the project.

It will be used to install new play equipment and make the area more accessible.

The new equipment will include a climbing tower with slide, play tractor and trailer, spring horse, team swing, balancing apparatus, basketball net and football goal, a 'gravity bowl' and 'inclusive orbit' roundabout.

Parish councillor and project spokesman Mary Pearce said: “Thanks to National Lottery players, this grant means that we can rejuvenate this part of Little Yeldham and deliver an area offering something for all the children of the village and surrounding area.

"The recreation ground is a lovely open space which should be enjoyed by all.

"This award will make a big difference to people’s lives.

"There is currently a main and a disabled access but our plans are to improve the main existing access opposite the village hall to make it wheelchair and pushchair friendly and to construct pathways opening up the area to everyone, regardless of age and ability.  

"All of the funding we have currently amassed will help us achieve our aim but fundraising continues to cover maintenance and further improvements."

The village is continuing to stage events to fundraise for maintenance and future improvements.

The next event is a spring fair in the village hall on Saturday, March 25, when they hope to have more details about a start date for the recreation ground project. National Lottery players raise more than £30 million a week for good causes.

The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK.