A NATURE reserve is hoping to secure permission for a new building as it aims to improve upon its ability to teach visitors about wildlife.

Daws Hall Nature Reserve, in Lamarsh, has applied to Braintree Council for permission for a new project.

Run by the Daws Hall Trust, the wildlife hotspot is hoping to build a new education centre.

The nature reserve is a favourite of nearby schoolchildren who are regular visitors with their schools.

Youngsters can learn all about nature and local wildlife at the reserve.

In a planning application, the trust said: “The site is currently part of the site owned by Daws Hall Trust

“This application seeks to apply for a low-energy, sustainable new educational centre to improve upon the teaching already taking place at Daws Hall.

“The site plays an important role in education and conservation, locally and regionally.

“This building is an important proposal that is regionally important and benefits the community as a whole.”

If permission is granted, Daws Hall says it will make the new building as eco-friendly as possible, built out of sustainable materials.

Alphamstone Parish Council has no objections to the plan.

The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project is also “broadly supportive” of the bid.

The group said: “The proposed education centre has been designed to a high environmental specification, which is supported.

“The new access proposed as part of the scheme has been designed in such a way to avoid the need to remove a significant number of trees to accommodate this element of the scheme.

“This is welcomed as the trees will provide an important screening function to the cars and vehicles using the site.

“While the loss of part of the meadow is regrettable, the benefits delivered by the scheme once operational, are likely to outweigh any harm caused.

“Overall, the scheme has the potential to deliver positive biodiversity net gains which is welcomed.”