A BID to bring 35 homes to a village has been given the green-light by councillors.

Developer Parker Strategic Land has been given permission to build on land next to Watering Farm off Coggeshall Road in Kelvedon.

Initial proposals for the homes were submitted in 2019 with the outline bid passed by Braintree Council’s planning committee.

The latest application sought to resolve matters over the scale, layout, appearance and landscaping of the site.

Both Feering Parish Council and Kelvedon Parish Council objected to the application, raising concerns over flooding among other issues.

Braintree Eastern Division councillor Paul Thorogood also objected and said: "Most of the proposed development is in the top two thirds of the site.

"This is all very well in regards to flooding from the river, but run off from the roofs, roads and hardstandings will have to go somewhere and that is downhill towards the River Blackwater which flood regularly in the autumn, winter and spring months.

"As this site is close to the river I do have major concerns about flooding; not only for the lower part of the site itself but for neighbouring properties

"The lower third of the site is proposed to become public open space; due to flooding from run-off it is likely that the area will not be accessible to the public for large parts of the year especially the autumn and winter.

"As I have stressed before, Kelvedon is situated in a natural bowl, and I do fear that if there is any more substantial development in this area of the village there will be a far greater risk of flooding caused by rainwater run-off"

The bid was unanimously approved by the Braintree Council Planning Committee.

At the meeting, Councillor Gabrielle Spray said: "All of us have had some photographs today from councillor Thorogood showing quite considerable water run off but there are no further objections, no comment from the flood authority on that and the feeling seems to be that the system in place will be adequate to deal with any water run off.

"I think we have to hope that is the case."