PLANS to build 35 homes in a village have been recommended for approval by council planners.

Developer Parker Strategic Land hopes to build on land next to Watering Farm off Coggeshall Road in Kelvedon.

Initial proposals for the homes were submitted in 2019 with the outline bid passed by Braintree Council’s planning committee.

Now developers are hoping to get the green light for a detailed application, including the scale, layout, appearance and landscaping of the site.

The proposals say the site would include a mix of one and two-storey homes, with most being two-storey.

Forty per cent would be affordable housing, with two one-bed homes, 11 two-bed homes, 13 three-bed homes and nine four-bed homes.

The latest plans come after outline permission was granted for access to the site.

Access would be from the northwest and include the widening of Coggeshall Road, with ghost lanes for vehicles waiting to turn right into the site and into Observer Way, and a pedestrian refuge island to separate the turning lanes.

Plans show the majority of the site parking for the homes is provided on plot, or within parking courts, with visitor parking in the parking courts and on street.

Now, in the build up to a planning committee meeting on April 5, Braintree Council officers have recommended the plans for approval.

Their report says: “The creation of a strong frontage to Coggeshall Road, with a lower density of development towards to the east of the site is welcomed.

“The overall layout, scale and detailed design would result in a high quality development that would positively respond to the character and appearance of the locality.

“All the dwellings are provided with parking provision in accordance with the adopted parking standards.

“Matters in regard to flood risk and drainage are acceptable. Equally, the development would not result in an adverse impact to neighbouring amenity.”