AT its meeting on March 8, the Braintree District Council (BDC) Planning Committee refused the application for 200 houses in the parish of Greenstead Green and Halstead Rural.

As a member of the committee, I proposed refusal.

In what has become a very complex planning environment, it is not surprising that residents near this site and others in the district are left wondering why applications are recommended for approval when they are not in the Local Plan and outside of development boundaries.

One reason it was being recommended was to build stage one of the Halstead bypass. But this is back to front.

If the Halstead bypass is the right solution to congestion in the town, then it should be consulted on and the route properly debated at BDC.

And if a new road is the right answer then it should not be built piecemeal on the back of numerous new housing estates.

Land has already been suggested for 8,500 houses around Halstead during the failed “Garden Communities” Section 1 of the new Local Plan – a failure that cost local tax payers over a million pounds and which was twice rejected by the Local Plan inspector following thousands of representations and detailed investigation.

Gladman could appeal the refusal decision and then BDC will once again have to defend its five-year housing supply.

But if they do, we need to work together and stand up to these speculative developers.

At the planning committee meeting on March 8, a BDC cabinet member appeared to suggest that BDC could go into special measures, and compared BDC with Uttlesford District Council, which has gone into special measures due to its record on planning decisions.

But there is nothing to compare. BDC has a five-year housing supply and is very close to adopting its new Local Plan.

The council’s planning performance is good and we are not near to the threshold for Government intervention.

Residents, Halstead Town Council, Halstead 21st Century Group and Greenstead Green and Halstead Rural Parish Council were right to oppose the proposals.

Jo Beavis, Braintree District Councillor