DEVELOPERS are seeking permission to build nearly 50 new homes in Braintree.

An application has been made to Braintree Council to build 48 homes on land near the Coach House, off Panfield Lane.

Developer Hands On Property submitted the application at the end of last month and are also seeking permission for associated vehicle, pedestrian and cycling access, refuse and recycling stores and landscaping.

The site is located south of the Coach House and west of Panfield Lane.

Developers say the homes would vary in size, with 11 of the 48 homes being detached, 30 semi-detached and seven as apartments within two blocks.

The flats and houses would be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom homes. Access to the site would be via Panfield Lane.

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In a planning statement, the developers said: “Despite being located outside of the defined limits of the settlement, the development would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the landscape.

“Given that the allocated areas to either side of the site have also received outline planning permission for development, it is clear that this would represent infilling of what would otherwise be a gap between an otherwise contiguous area of new development in what has long been identified as a strategic growth area.

“Particular attention has been given to the design of the proposed development, and in particular the layout and siting of the proposed dwellings which would ensure that the principles of good design are followed.

“Development of this site would result in the provision of housing and would deliver new homes at a site which is largely unconstrained and where development of this scale can be accommodated without having significant impacts on landscape, the natural or built environment, drainage or other matters.

“It is therefore considered that proposal is consistent with relevant areas of the Development Plan and that the substantial benefits of the scheme mean that planning permission should be approved.”

Braintree Council will rule on the application.