FAMILIES are being invited to enjoy free entertainment in the Braintree district this month for February half term.

Braintree Council says there is plenty to do in Braintree and Witham this month including Victorian living statues, Alice in Wonderland stilt walkers and events to encourage families to keep healthy and active.

Four Victorian living statues will be appearing in Braintree High Street between 10am and 1pm on Monday, February 14.

The bronze Queen Victoria living statue will be joined by a Victorian couple as well as famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

On Tuesday, February 15, stilt walkers from Heartburn Entertainment will take on the roles of Alice in Wonderland and her companions as they roam around the Newland Shopping Centre in Witham between 10am and 1pm.

A family walk is also being organised by Community360 on February 15, leaving from Braintree Library at 11am and lasting approximately an hour.

This walk is wheelchair and pushchair friendly and suitable for all ages.

Walkers can discover parts of Braintree they may not know existed whilst discovering some interesting facts along the way.

Team Kinetix will be at the Great Square in Braintree from 11am to 2pm on February 15 too, offering youngsters the chance to try out Parkour.

Policing teams will be offering bike security marking and providing advice on bike security in Great Square between 9am and 1pm on February 16.

On Thursday, February 17, families can use pedal power to make a smoothie.

The smoothie bike will be parked up in Great Square between 11am and 2pm.

Braintree Council says it has been able to provide the street entertainment thanks to the Welcome Back Fund, a pot of £56 million provided to councils across England from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), to support the safe return to high streets and help build back from the pandemic.

The half term activities are part of Braintree Council’s Cycling Strategy to encourage more residents to consider active travel such as cycling and walking to get around the district.

Deputy Leader, Tom Cunningham said: “We are pleased to be able to stage these half term events for families in and around Braintree District.

"We want to encourage people to once again visit our town centres as we bounce back from the pandemic and support our local businesses who have faced a difficult two years.”

Communities boss Frankie Ricci added: “We are excited to bring these free events and entertainers to our town centres, giving families something to look forward to this February half term.”