A DROP-IN surgery has begun at a community centre to give a chance to residents to speak to the police.

The Witham Community Hub launched its fortnightly beat surgery alongside Essex Police Braintree last Saturday.

The surgery is an hour long service which allows members of the community to come in and talk to officers.

Witham Hub Chair of Trustees Tina Townsend said: “We used to do what we called ‘coffee with cops’ before the pandemic but had to stop with covid.

“This is the first new surgery we have done with a new format, this being a little more formal than before.”

“The surgery is a chance for residents to come in and discuss things with police, whether it is something sensitive, concerns, intelligence reports, there is plenty.

“If the police cannot answer it there and then, residents can give their details so we can get back to them.”

The first surgery had a few people come in, with the Hub hoping the event can grow over time.

It is every fortnight, on Saturday at the Hub from 11am to 12pm.

In addition to this, the Hub have also extended its outreach service to Silver End.

Tina added: “We have tried to extend our services as some people can’t come to Witham, whether it is for financial reasons or others.

“So now one of our team who lives in Silver End, comes to town on a Thursday, collects up support requirements and take back to Silver End, so it is good to help them as well.”