Simon Churly got in to the stationery business in the strangest of ways. His mother, who was a florist, wanted to exit one of her shops and someone who worked above her other shop was interested in going in to retail. This led to the unusual 6 month combination of a shop that was 2/3rds florist and 1/3rd stationery and household goods, with Simon in charge of the store. Rolling on 11 years, and following other jobs within the stationery industry Simon decided to set up on his own.

15 years later and Stationery Solutions is now one of the longest owned independent businesses in Braintree. What Simon doesn’t know about stationery probably isn’t worth knowing – he’s learnt a thing or two over the last 26 years. With a shop that is small in size but big in welcome, range of stationery and services offered, almost everything is catered for in one way or another.

Braintree and Witham Times:

Simon has been a member of the Braintree Lions club for 30 years and so is very community minded, often giving support to other charity groups and to the Bocking Arts Theatre in way of ticket selling for events. In the shop he collects various items for recycling and also has a range of eco-friendly stationery with an emphasis or reduction of plastic usage.

For more information, head over to his facebook page, or give him a call on 01376 347700.