I READ with glee that pedestrianisation of Braintree High Street and more has finally been approved.

It has obviously been part of the strategy with the redevelopment of the bus park, which in itself will be linked now with pedestrian access only.

This has been a long-running battle for us like-minded people to persuade those sceptics that it can only improve the town as a whole.

I’m sure there will be plenty out there who will still gripe about it, but I for one am confident they will also see the benefits once the work has been done.

It will, without doubt, make it a safer, cleaner and a more attractive environment for all of us.

As well as the popular street markets, in time it will attract those niche shops, restaurants, quality pubs and make the whole area an integrated shopping experience with its direct links to George Yard through our lovely gants and narrow streets.

Those visiting Braintree Village will also be able to enjoy another experience with free travel between the two.

They may even spend a couple of nights in the new hotel and spend their lovely lolly in the district as a whole.

It’s a win-win situation and it will put Braintree on the map.

There will, of course, need to be proper policing and facilities for disabled access and I am sure with these measures in place it will work for traders, residents and shoppers alike.

Jon Scrivener
