A recent visit to Halstead reminded me of how attractive the town is, and the pride shown by volunteers who were on the streets tending to the floral displays.

Braintree, by contrast, is tired-looking and once again demonstrates the lack of civic pride.

Few floral displays and now a rash of illegal signs tethered to railings along public highways extolling the virtues of a certain weight loss franchise.

They have been there for weeks and yet no action seems to have been taken by Braintree Council to remove them.

Now we have experienced broken glass in one of our public spaces which has remained there for three days making it a hazard for dog walkers and their dogs.

Is it not time for Braintree’s councillors to show their commitment to those who live or visit the Braintree town centre? And while they are at it, they might also pay attention to the “out-of-bounds” footbridge and footpath by the police station.

This route was used and favoured by many people but is now a prohibited place.

Emeritus Professor Chris Green

The Avenue, Braintree