Braintree and Witham Times: wc Nov 19th

(All times are GMT - add one hour for British Summer Time)

To calculate other high tides in Essex and on The Thames:

Walton on the Naze - same time as Harwich Harbour
Bradwell - add 29 minutes
Brightlingsea - add 23 minutes
Burnham-on-Crouch - add 42 minutes
Clacton - add 11 minutes
Felixstowe Pier - subtract 09 minutes
Wivenhoe - add 27 minutes
River Stour - Mistley - add 25 minutes
River Orwell - Ipswich - add 20 minutes

Tidal data at Harwich: All predicted heights are given relative to Chart Datum of Harwich Harbour, a level of 2.02 metres below Ordnance Datum (Newlyn). The
times of High and Low waters are expressed in GMT. Tidal predictions for Harwich are produced by Harwich Haven Authority. All heights are expressed in metres. Times are U.T.C. (GMT). Add one hour for British Summer Time (BST) 25 March - 28 October 2018.

Caution: The height of the tide may be affected by meteorological conditions. Winds between S.E. and S.W. or a high barometer, cause a decrease in height; winds between
N.W. and N.E. or a low barometer, cause an increase. The deviation from the predicted tidal level may, under exceptional conditions, amount to more than one metre.

All information courtesy of Harwich Haven Authority: