Councillors have claimed victory after winning a long-running battle to get double yellow lines painted down Hardie Road.

The victory is the result of a longstanding campaign by councillors and residents to get rid of a ‘bottle-necking’ problem on the road.

The road will see yellow lines painted down one side to stop cars parking down both sides this autumn, Stanford West Conservative Councillors Shane Hebb and Terry Piccolo said.

Mr Hebb said it meant a “years-old problem will soon be over” and emergency services would also now be able to access the road when needed.

He said: “School drop off and pick up times at Hardie Road has been a problem for many years, with the overriding fear that if an ambulance office engine ever needed to get access down the road, it wouldn't be able to due to the bottleneck that happens because of the way cars are parking".

"This change will mean that this years-old problem will soon be over. Residents in Hardie Road and down Bevin Walk can now have confidence in the emergency services being able to reach them in the event of an emergency now".