LEAVING the EU could make holidays more expensive, but there is a way round it, says a Southend campaigner.

Peter Higgins, 44, of Collier Way, Southend, has been campaigning for years to lower the holiday price increases as the set school holidays commence.

He now feels that because of the referendum result the holiday prices in term time will be even higher but has advice of how to find a family holiday at a lower price, to combat the increase.

He said: “I think prices will go up. The big tour operators threatened they would go up if we left the EU and I think they will.

“People should shop around more and treat the high street lenders with a bit of scepticism.

“People will be more focused on finances than ever, and with the pound fluctuating, booking down certain routes will gain on the UK extortion of family breaks and on the currency exchange.

“The biggest impact is the threat from the industry talking of increased holiday costs and the falling pound. Our take is that this will happen from the large tour operators blaming the Brexit result.

He said that people could got to a non UK website and it will be cheaper.

He added: “We believe that a change in how you book a holiday and where, you can negate this impact and often make it cheaper.

“The same holiday bought in another country is often cheaper. You can get a better deal through the non- UK websites.

“We are able to book a holiday in an overseas camp that is more when you book via a UK website.”