A Colchester man filmed being struck on the head with a dart while drunk has become the latest unlikely internet phenomenon.

Days after it was posted last week, the video of topless Dan Cole barely flinching after receiving one dart in the back, followed by another in the back of his head, has been viewed more than 152,000 times.

A comedy website featured the video on its front page, and within hours thousands of surfers from around the world had viewed the incident, which took place two years ago at The Prettygate pub, in The Commons.

The 24-year-old of Twining Road, Stanway, said: “We were just messing about and had a bit too much to drink and started doing silly things,” he said.

“I took my top off and, messing about, I said chuck a dart on my back.

“I put it on the website and they actually featured it."

People commenting on the site were split between those finding it funny or those calling it stupid.

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