MORE than 100 wild boar are being kept at private addresses in Tendring and Braintree, an animal rights group has revealed.

The Born Free Foundation has published a survey showing all the dangerous wild animals being privately kept in the UK.

There are a total of 36 wild boars in Tendring and 131 in Braintree. In Mid Suffolk there is one serval - an African wild cat .

Other dangerous wild animals at private addresses across the UK include lions, tigers, leopards, primates, caimans and diamondback rattlesnakes.

Now, the Born Free Foundation is petitioning the UK Government to immediately review the law saying they want to stop some of the world’s most deadly creatures being in kept in unsuitable environments.

Dr Chris Draper, head of animal welfare and captivity for Born Free, said the keeping of wild animals as pets is a growing concern.

He said: “The widespread use of the internet has made it easier than ever to order or purchase a wild animal without clarification as to where it has come from or how it should be cared for. Wild animals are particularly vulnerable to welfare problems because of their complex social, physical and behavioural needs.

“They require specific housing and diet, and the safety risk these animals pose to their owners and the wider public should not be ignored.”