Public forum: Villagers raised concerns about nuisance caused by mopeds; traffic speeds through the village centre; litter in the allotments wildlife area; delays in improvement of the S-bends in Station Road; and road signage for Garnetts Cottages.

Green Light Trust: James Stack, of the trust, described how his organisation sought to involve communities, mostly in East Anglia, in the creation and planting of wildspace schemes.

The first steps in beginning a new project would be to identify available land. The chairman thanked Mr Stack for his presentation.

Matters arising: The planned inspection of signs in the village by Graham Harvey and Chris Woodhouse had been delayed.

A number of signs requiring cleaning and/or clearing of vegetation had already been identified.

Allotments: Little Dunmow Parish Council had declined to contribute towards the costs of maintaining the allotments, of which a third are let to Little Dunmow residents.

It was agreed Felsted Parish Council should consider increasing annual rents for non-residents as a means of recouping its share of the costs.

The clerk is to write to Little Dunmow allotment holders urging them to lobby their parish councillors for support.

The chairman suspended the meeting to speak to the chairman of the Allotment Holders’ Association.

A request was also made for a waste bin to be sited near the wildlife area, and the reconvened meeting agreed this should be considered at the next meeting.

Request for extra dog bins: A request had been received for new dog bins to be installed in the south of the village.

The clerk is to investigate the cost and whether Uttlesford Council would empty additional bins.

Playing field project: Alan Thawley said the planning application for a multi-use games area had been submitted to Uttlesford Council.

The project group’s application for a grant for electronic play equipment from the Big Lottery’s Children’s Play had been rejected. Uttlesford Council’s advice as to other possible sources of funding would be sought.

Councillors noted a proposed agreement with Uttlesford Council in connection with the playing field project.

They were concerned at the parish council’s potential financial liability in the event the project was not completed. The clerk is to investigate the cost of insuring against this.

The council was advised that the current goalposts on the field no longer met the FA’s specifications. The Football Foundation would fund half the cost of buying replacements; for a senior and a junior set of steel posts, the parish council was asked to pay £529 (excluding VAT) plus the cost of installation.

The budgeted expenditure originally intended to cover the reseeding of the field was so far unspent. Councillors agreed in principle to the expenditure.

Clerk’s matters: It was agreed the council would pay for the hire of a rotavator for use by allotment holders on two weekends, at £50 per weekend.

Quotations for streetlighting maintenance had been received. It was agreed that A&J’s contract should be renewed for a further three years.

Next meeting: Today at the United Reformed Church hall at 7.30 pm.