Playing fields: Replacement goalposts have been ordered. Applications for grants for a roundabout and replacement swings will be prepared.

Bradwell Estates approved the restoration of the village orchard and Braintree Council offered to help.

The Allotment Society would be asked to mark out and allocate the new allotments Churchyard: An annual grant of £350 had been received from Bradwell Estates, so the entire churchyard van now be properly maintained.

STK Garden Services was complimented for its excellent work on maintaining the churchyard.

Planning: The council supported applications from Bradwell Service Station and a radio licence application from Carolina FM.

Youth offending service: The service was complimented on its work clearing ivy from the village hall, clearing the french drains around the church and picking up litter around the parish.

Village fete: The council congratulated the village fete committee on a successful fete, despite the inclement weather.