A YOUNG girl who was bullied at primary school has praised her secondary school teachers for helping her to achieve her best in her GCSEs.

Kirsty Adams-Prior collected one grade 6, one grade 5, four grade 4s, a distinction*, a merit and a pass from New Rickstones Academy, in Witham.

As a result, she is looking to study early years at sixth form.

Braintree and Witham Times: SUCCESS STORY: Kirsty Adams-Prior with her resultsSUCCESS STORY: Kirsty Adams-Prior with her results (Image: N/A)

Kirsty, from Witham, said: “I feel really good.

“I got badly bullied at primary school, so I never listened and did not understand, particularly in maths.

“That was until I started working with the head of maths at New Rickstones and started to understand it more.

“I got really overwhelmed with classes and so was given a timeout pass – but, I never needed to use it as knowing I had that option was enough.

“If I needed extra help, my teachers would give me one-to-one sessions.

“In science, if I did not understand, I could stay until 5pm for my teacher to help me.

“I did not think I would be able to get any of these grades. I was really struggling. But, I feel really relieved.

“Now, I’m thinking why was I so worried? I should have believed in myself more, like my teachers did. My mum kept telling me I would get these results, but I did not believe her either.

“I am really happy.”

Elsewhere, revision trips and weekend classes helped Ella Neville to pass her GCSE exams.

Braintree and Witham Times: GREAT RESULTS: Ella Neville was helped through revision trips and weekend classesGREAT RESULTS: Ella Neville was helped through revision trips and weekend classes (Image: N/A)

The Year 11 student from New Rickstones Academy achieved two grade 7s, five grade 6s, one grade 5 and a distinction.

She is heading to sixth form to study criminology, sociology and politics, with ambitions of going into law as a career.

Ella, from Witham, said: “I feel good with these results. I was really, really nervous to get them.

“The school offered extra activities to revise, at lunchtime, after school until 4pm in our Super 6 lessons and at weekend revision trips to Danbury.

“I would not have been able to do this without the teachers there to support me.

“They were always there for you. There was never a moment they were not there and that constant support is the main thing about the school.

“Now I have got the results, I realise how important it all was.”