Braintree parents will be left high and dry when the new swimming pool opens at Freeport -without a creche.

Braintree District Council has decided that the new pool facility, due to open in two months, does not need child care facilities.

But mothers using the pool for sports, including those with Adult Swimfit season tickets, are outraged that they may now have their right to swim forfeited because they have no one to look after their children.

Braintree Swimming Centre sub-group committee minutes state that it was "agreed that no creche facility should be created at the new pool and the space allocated be utilised for other purposes to raise further income. There is clear evidence that usage for such a facility would be very low and will not be cost effective."

The council believe the current creche at the Riverside centre is mainly used by gym-goers, not swimmers, and is planning to extend creche facilities at Braintree Leisure Centre where the town's main gym will be based.

But mother-of-two Karen Midgley, from the King's Park Estate in Braintree, disagrees.

Mrs Midgley's seven year-old daughter Katie uses the creche in the summer holidays, and her 15-month old daughter Emily uses the creche three times a week while Mrs Midgley attends Adult Swimfit and takes part in two swimming sessions at the Riverside centre.

She said: "I can understand it's not making money, but they will lose more because people who use the pool now can't. It's raised a lot of tempers.

"They are building this amazing new structure, but they are discriminating against mothers, and the under-fours.

"The creche has been my saviour because my husband works away, and without going swimming I'd probably go crackers. I've paid £50 for a 12 week swimming course, which is a lot of money when you don't work."

A spokesman for Braintree council said: "Current bookings and adult classes run until mid November, so depending upon when the new pool is opened, the last couple of classes could be at new pool but it is unlikely. Staff at Riverside are explaining this to customers and some have asked about a creche for evening sessions, but we're not aware of any leisure centre that offers an evening creche."

Mrs Midgley would like to hear from any other swimmer affected by the creche closure. She can be contacted on 07800 584454.